7 Ways to Rescue Refining

Does your Scrum Team consistently find itself refining stories in Sprint Planning? Does the team have trouble getting more than 1-2 stories refined an hour? Do team members try to find any... read more →
The Imperfection of Language

The Imperfection of Language

Are you on a team that struggles with getting the right level of clarity when you're generating Acceptance Criteria for your Product Backlog Items? You're not alone. I see a number... read more →

Welcome to Pareto Reading

One thing I frequently hear from people, especially Scrum Masters and other Coaches, is that they have a crazy long list of things to read. I know that world all... read more →
Applying the Three Fs to How You Work

Agile for One

There's a misunderstanding floating around out there that Agile can only be executed by teams or collections of teams. If this were true, it would leave a lot of individual... read more →